
7yuv 2.5 released

Today another small update to Datahammer 7yuv YUV and Raw-Bayer Image Viewer was published: Support for 16-bit YUV semi-planar P010 and P016 surface formats is added. (These are the "16-bit" version of NV12.)

New in 7yuv V2.5 (2015-07-29)
  * Add YUV 16-bit semi-planar P010 and P016 support
  * Fix debian packaging dependency on libqt4-opengl
  * Fix bug in preset history truncation


7yuv 2.4 released

A minor update to Datahammer 7yuv YUV and Raw-Bayer Image Viewer has been released. We also added the 64-bit Linux build which had been missing for the last few releases.

New in 7yuv V2.4 (2014-05-02)

* Add big-endian support for RGBA, BGRA, AYUV 32-bit
* Fix color mapping for signed YUV formats


7yuv 2.2 released

Today another update is released, version 7yuv V2.2 with added support for Raw Bayer surfaces (7yuv homepage), as produced by digital camera sensors.

7yuv can view all 4 byte ordering modes RGGB, GRBG, GBRG, and BGGR, and up to 16-bit per channel. Most Bayer formats use only 10, 12, or 14 bits per channel, which are packed into the low bits. To configure this a new UI field has been added (see picture).

7yuv showing 14-bit raw Bayer RGGB

For now Bayer is supported only via the OpenGL rendering mode. Hint: When looking at down-scaled Bayer it is advisable to enable interpolation from the View menu to prevent scaling artifacts.

New in 7yuv V2.2 (2014-04-21)

* Add support for Bayer 16-bit (OpenGL mode only)


7yuv 2.0 released

A major update to Datahammer 7yuv Image Viewer and Hex Editor is out today. All image rendering was migrated from CPU-based software rendering to OpenGL. The largest advantage is the possibility to zoom in and out of the images. This was long overdue with the increased image sizes in recent time.

In our testing on different PC hardware, scrolling and zooming is overall faster than before. However changing image dimensions and formats is much slower, because internally it requires to download new textures to the graphics card. Depending on your OpenGL driver this may be very slow, so we kept the original CPU-rendering engine as a fall-back option in the application settings. Overall we think it is a good tradeoff.

New in 7yuv 2.0 (2014-04-14)

* Json-format config files
* OpenGL HW rendering
* Scaling in graphics mode
* RGB channel filtering
* Color schemes for graphics mode
* YUV411 support
* RGBA raw palette format support
* "Screen copy" for text modes (render to text buffer) 
Download Windows or Linux versions at http://datahammer.de/7yuv_downloads.html


7yuv 1.8 released

A new release 7yuv V1.8 has just been uploaded to the Datahammer website. Apart from small bug fixes and tweaks, a new feature for graphics formats conversion has been added. In this version most YUV and RGB format pairs can be converted to each other, however a few exotic combinations are still missing. Missing combinations will be added in the next version.

Also it is now possible to configure mode colour schemes, this will become more useful as we add more text-based edit modes in future versions.


7yuv 1.7 released

A new release V1.7 of Datahammer 7yuv has been posted to the website. It now features tabbed editing and a built-in file explorer. Also the video frame rulers in the graphics mode have been graphically overhauled. For the file open and save dialog boxes it is now possible to choose between  native OS and QT style dialogues.

In addition to the Window version, we now also have Debian installer packages for Linux.x64 (64-bit) and Linux.i386 (32-bit).


7yuv v1.6 released

Version 1.6 of the Datahammer 7yuv Raw Image Editor has just been released.

The biggest visible addition is a RawText mode, which allows to edit a binary file as ASCII or UNICODE text. Other than that text and hex string search has been added in the hex editor mode.

The biggest actual change however is a complete overhaul of the code base - everything has been ported from native Win32 API to QT. This was done to compile Linux and MacOS versions in addition to Windows, so stay tuned for those ports. A lot of video codec and camera development is done on Linux these days, so I hope a good YUV viewer like 7yuv will come in handy here.

You may notice that some of the dialogs look more modern now, this is due to the QT rewrite.

The New QT look in 7yuv v1.6
The Old Win32/QT hybrid look in 7yuv v1.5